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The Path to pirate is a fan path if you play dota


At Neverland the civil war reaches the Pirate Island. the Never League of Pirate Captains assembles as Both Factions fight for the aegis.


Season 1= Captain Jake's Alliance[]

This path focuses at the offensive rate.

  1. Stunned!= Stun and kill at least 5 enemies at one match
  2. Jake and Kunkka are One- Cleave at least 6 creep waves using tidebringer or battlefury.
  3. The Ancient defended!- Win at least 2 all pick or single draft matches
  4. The Trojan Rampage!= Get a rampage as Lifestealer and your ally as Beatrice Le Beak
  5. Winter Jake Set- as Kunkka buy battlefury before the Game Timer sets at 35:00

Season 2= Izzy's Gameplay[]

This path learned about Support

  1. Pixie Dust Away!- Construct Mekansm before the timer reaches 30:00
  2. Busted- Kill Phantom Assasin 2 times at one match
  3. Honorary Princess goes to the war- Get 1 win as Mirana
  4. Low on Pixie Dust- Get yourself out of the combat zone while your mana is empty
  5. Surprise!- Kill at least 3 enemies as Crystal Maiden

Season 3= Cubby's Sniping Course[]

  1. Run and Gun= Purchase Phase boots as sniper before the game timer hits at 20:00
  2. King Cubby= Purchase Necronomicon before the Timer Reaches 40:00
  3. Base Defender=Defend and keep your base intact for Before the timer reaches 40:00, 45:00
  4. Defend a Carry= Babysit the Carry hero for at least 5 minutes
  5. All-Star Player!- Get the highest kill in one match

Path To a Never Land Captain[]

  1. Armor Basher- if Purchase Skull Basher and kill at least 4 enemies as Fathom
  2. The Alliance Completed= Finish at least 3 games without Disconnecting or Abandoned
  3. Mighty Captain Sword= At the Endgame Purchase 3 Divine Rapiers
  4. Snakes on Deck!= Deny 3 creeps waves.
  5. Captain Completed= Win at least one match as in order- Frost the Tusk, Flynn the Sand King, Beatrice the Phantom Assasin, Jake the Admiral and Raigor Stonehook the EarthShaker

Season 4= The Pirate Legion Forms[]

  1. Buccaneers Assemble!= Get at least 3/4/15 assist as Musketeer Mickey.
  2. The Golden Rapier= Purchase Divine Rapier before the timer reaches 45:00/50:00/60:00